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Buds, shoots and leaves

Seven Rose plants were laid to rest today. After several trials, many buds, many more blooms eaten by nature’s cutest creations and many re-positions to pander to light and air fickleness, I had to concede that my balcony was just too moody for these seemingly hardy yet extremely delicate plants. 

चलती हवा काम आई
धीमे धूप की तपन
हल्की वर्षा की ठंडई
प्यार से बोले वचन.

मेरे गुलाब आए, खिले और बिखर गये.
किसने सोचा था कि 
छाया भी कभी कातिल बन जाएगी.

पर चार गज़ का आँगन मेरा,
मेरे दिल का बाग़बान,
मेरी राज़ों का रखवाला,
मेरी सोच का कदरदान,
यही समझाता रहता है
कि ज़िंदगी एक नाटक है
जिसका सूर्य है सूत्रधार
और हम उसकी कठपुतली.

यहाँ कभी पंखुड़ी हंस कर खिल जाती है
कभी हवा से हिल जाती है.

हम तो बस माली हैं, समय के.
निगाहें हैं, एहसास के.
कुछ दिख जाए कहीं तो परखना ज़रूर,
इस लेन-देन के चक्कर में, संभलना ज़रूर

And so, my tiny garden tutors me on life and its crazy ways. I have been taught, at the cost of many losses, why some roots get lazy with the mores of hydration but hang on anyway neither willingly nor quite giving up, while many others simply rot. Irony has it that the Peace Lilly needs anything-but-peaceful soil. Yes, yes, yes, I know, dandy Nasturtiums must be left alone! And though my Dill will shoot, no matter what, those Ferns are drama queens, and will throw me a right tantrum!

Seven notes to self:

  • 1. Pepper spray works just as well on pesky squirrels as it does on other pests they were originally packaged for – call on friend’s daughter for a canister.
  • 2. Haldi and Hing can cure most ails – Open wounds on self and like, aphids on Asparagus, that cold feeling in the pit of the stomach, open wounds in self and like…
  • 3. Don’t mix drinks. Keep my Methi-cool friends away from my Hot Garlic buddies – however sumptuous they are by themselves, bonding is futile. 
  • 4. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Sorry for moving you one miserable pot aside, Tulsi. RIP. 
  • 5. One’s leaf’s Sun, is another stalk’s stun gun. ‘nuf said. 
  • 6. If it keeps bugging up, pull it out by the roots, supporting soil and all. Leave container to air. Disinfect. Get a new model. Or not.
  • 7. Talk, smile, lovelovelove. 


Tejaswi said…
Thankyou. You're kind :)

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