re-written since Emirates Parent Plus. February 2011 Nine years ago, I was this miracle maker that produced the most wonderful 21 inch wonder of all – a Baby Boy! I was congratulated, applauded and celebrated. Add to that, I had provided the family the first grandson of the generation, the only one in a decently long line of probables. A few weeks ago, someone brought back old memories. The stimulus for this talk was a young couple, in the close circle, expecting their baby. Speculation was rife on whether my son’s exclusivity will be challenged! Newsflash informs me that the record remains. My personal glory? Well, let’s just say, “I know the feeling”. As it happens, I am fortunate to be among the fun-loving, academic and professionally very well accomplished, who continue to further their illustrious ilk. So while I had comforted myself with the thought that this obsession with the boy-child was the jurisdiction of only the senior generation, and even that, more out of hab...
A pantomime to the tunes of our frenetic everyday, Kallola is dedicated to the urban mind. It is a commentary and observation of society, of culture, of tradition... of suggestion and hope. Because when time overtakes time, as it is wont to do, we realise that the rules are always the same - we just play our strokes differently. © 2008-2021 Any part of this blog when shared, copied or referred to in any format, must bear due credit to